It seems that you are so worried about the exam. You don't need to, actually.
The questions will be similar to those you had for Quiz 1.
I will not ask about definitions. So, don't expect to answer questions like "What does 'homonym' mean?', or "What does pragmatics study?' or "What is a morpheme?', "What does ambiguity' mean? etc.
However, you have to UNDERSTAND, yes again UNDERSTAND (NOT MEMORIZE) those all we have discussed to answer the questions in the exam. That's why I always ask for examples in each definition you write in our wiki. By showing examples, it indicates that you understand.
Well, if you fail to prepare yourself, I would be happy to see you again next year.... Yes, although this is the second time you joined me in this class, I would be happy to have you for the third time...
You've got plenty of time to make preparation. I've made some ways to help... this blog, the wiki, the discussion group in, the weekly presentation-discussion. Only few of you, however, take the benefits of these. Very few took part in the wiki, only one posted a message in the discussion forum, many of you read (not talk) during the presentation...
Again, if you're not serious, it's me who will be serious.
Well, we have one week left for preparation.
I open another forum for discussion. Click the link below.
Please note: the comments field in the wiki is only for something relevant to the wiki. That's why I give no reply for irrelevant messages.
I cross my fingers for you...
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